After spending 14 years in the USA, one of Zimbabwe’s legendary musicians, Dr Thomas Mapfumo returned in the country on Independence Day and on Friday morning took time to address the media on how he felt about Zimbabwe.

“When I left the country I left a beautiful Zimbabwe were you could drive your car at full speed but now I am back and I see you have beautiful cars but the roads are dilapidated…yangova mihomba yembambaira,” remarked Mukanya.

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“It’s very sad to see what has happened to Zimbabwe but I say the future is in your hands young people and you should not be afraid to speak. Do not be separated by these politicians. Be a united people and rebuild our country and continent

“This is your inheritance young people. Mukawona chakaipa mustye kutaura muchida kufadza umwe munhu.

“I encourage you to have love for one another. Ndinowona vamwe venyu muchitukana pa social media but that will not help in building the nation. If we have love for another we can build the nation,” he explained.

Mukanya also revealed that he is willing to work with budding artistes.

“I am open to working with any artist. We want to assist budding artists and get them to where we are. But at the same time, we want to ensure that they preserve our culture as they do what they are doing.

“Kana usina culture unenge huku yakawundurwa iri mufiriji

“Our culture gives us identity and it’s very important that we preserve it,” he said.

Mukanya also revealed that he is working on a new album.

“I am working on a new album titled Chauya Chauya. I have collaborated with a number of artists on this project – young unknown artists.”

Dr Mtukudzi who was also at the media briefing echoed Mukanya’s sentiments about love and unity.

“I am very excited to have Thomas here with us after a long time. This is an occasion that should not be taken lightly – it is a big deal to have Thomas back home.

“We looking forward to having a great time at the concert come April 28,” said Tuku.