Hey team! I hope you’ve had a fantastic fortnight. In the last column we focused on basic nutrition do’s and don’ts to achieve your fitness goals. This week, I am showing you a few basic moves to incorporate into any fitness regime.

The great thing about these moves is that they can be done anywhere and with equipment on a budget. If you can’t afford to buy dumbbells, use a full water bottle. Better still – if you’re advanced – use a water bottle with sand or stones in it, to make it heavier.

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Warm up + cool down

Here’s a basic full body warm up and cool down that you can use with a foam roller. These are available in countries worldwide, at a reasonable cost.

Basic exercises to help get you started

There are a number of fundamental, functional exercises that will help you burn fat and get stronger from any location. I have given you a few examples below, focusing on simple, moves before we launch into our more vigorous, video workouts in the following weeks – where I will give beginners to advanced exercisers a variety of options.

Squat using chair for support: Level 1

This is a move your legs, butt and core will love you for! Stick your chest up; keep your tummy tight and sit your hips back as though you are sitting on a chair to really let your body say ‘hokoyo!’ Do for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Squat using chair for support. LEFT: Start position. RIGHT: End position
Squat using chair for support. LEFT: Start position. RIGHT: End position

Squat with a weight: Level 2

Squat with weight

Push-ups on your knees

A great move for making your chest, triceps (back of arms) and core sing! Do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Push ups on your knees
Push-ups on your knees. LEFT: Start position. RIGHT: Right position


Plank on your knees: Level 1

A basic move for waking and toning up the arms and full, frontal area of your tummy. Ensure that you push your shoulder blades black; draw your belly button into your spine and continue to gently inhale and exhale. Hold for 3 sets of 30 – 60 seconds maximum.

Plank on knees

Plank on your toes: Level 2

Plank on toesSee you in the next article, where we turn up the heat and workout together live!!


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Fitness to a Tee is Zimbo Jam’s official health and fitness partner.
 more tips, videos and useful information here:
:: www.fitnesstoatee.com.au
:: https://www.facebook.com/fitnesstoateecomau/